How Your Venue Business Can Reach A Larger Audience


How Your Venue Business Can Reach A Larger Audience


Running your own venue business is demanding – and rewarding.

Regardless of whether you have just created a new venue and you can’t wait for the world to know about your brand, or you are reviewing your business statistics and projecting their growth in the upcoming year, it may be useful to once again resuscitate Woody Allen’s golden words: “90% of success is showing up”.

So, what are some of the best pieces of advice to have in mind when planning to reach a larger audience – in this time of history?

How Your Venue Business Can Reach A Larger Audience


1. Invest – in marketing
2. Go organic
3. Partner up
4. Be of service


1. Invest – in marketing


Yes, it’s a no-brainer: on our way to a wider audience, marketing is ahistorical.

But can’t it also be true that we take that fact for granted, and sometimes a bit too much?


Invest in Online Marketing


That is why, assuming that you’re all cozy with the business basics (launching/maintaining a well-designed website and social media accounts – primarily Instagram – with regular posts and honest, prompt engagement with its followers), it is good to once again talk about the impact that social media paid ads have in providing visibility and reaching a wider audience.

One can never be explicit enough about this key eCommerce imperative: digital marketing, especially if combined with some of the tools and the practices that social media offer (Instagram giveaways with tag & share being a present day classic) is a guarantee for an increase in traffic and real audience, which inevitably translates into interactions – and conversions.


2. Go organic


Investing in paid ads means letting algorithms exhibit your brand in front of your potential audience’s eyes is efficient and is the first thing that comes to our mind.

However, the true wisdom lies in the strategic increase of your live, organic community.

Your product may indeed be unique and worthy of your potential customer’s attention, and the paid ads may indeed be beautifully designed – but it is the animated buzz, the human interaction, the word-of-mouth that provide the real driving force.


Venue Community


Unless you are a skilled marketer, professionally trained for magnetizing potential followers, you might want to consider scouting for a social media growth service that would assist your social media accounts to attain followers.

Taking into account the fact that the era of Instagram bots is long over, it is only authentic, real Instagram followers that possess the capacity to propel your visibility: reviews and testimonials, and user-generated content in general – they are priceless.


3. Partner up


The value of the “friend of a friend” is not to be underestimated either.

Partnering with other brands is a powerful strategy that boosts your visibility on a massive scale, introducing your brand to an entire new sphere of potential followers.

However, it is essential that some research is done before choosing with whom to enter in symbiosis: you might prefer your brand to be launched in front of a targeted audience that is more likely to consider your venue a must-go-to.


Venue Partnerships


On the other hand, one can think of “partnership” in more general terms, beyond brands and social media: there is no limit to who your partner, promotor, or influencer can be.

Giving a free invite to a once-favorite high-school teacher, or to your childhood role model, thanking them for what you have become, is a possibility as well: who knows how the story might unfold?

Algorithms are limited, but the power of potentially viral stories is not.


4. Be of service


Every once in a while, and at least for a minute, expand your attention and your awareness beyond your brand – and beyond yourself.

Think in terms of what you have to give – and be prepared to receive.

Be aware that what you’re doing is going to change lives and turn reality into someone’s future best memories.


Restaurant Charity


True, it is essential to focus on SEO and keyword optimization, on providing fresh content and getting mentioned on venue related websites… but even more so, it is vital to remind yourself of the meaning of your journey.

Donating a small amount of your income can skyrocket your sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, and act like Nitro fuel for your dedication to your project: you are aware that you’ve already started reshaping the world.

It may be a pearl of deep wisdom not easy to attain, but gratitude is a mighty catalyst of the process of empowering yourself – and your business. Because it’s contagious – people do like to follow.


Summing up


There’s an old book that says that you don’t light a lamp and put it under the bed.

Instead, you set it on a stand, so that those who enter can see the light.

Your business is one such light that is to be offered to the world, and it’s liberating to know that there are plenty of tools and services that you can use in order to let your light shine bright – and illuminate a vast audience.

About Josh Wood

Founder | Writer | Tech Enthusiast