4 Ways to Create Brand Loyalty Through Local Events for Your Bar


4 Ways to Create Brand Loyalty Through Local Events for Your Bar


Local events for your bar can bring in a consistent amount of people to keep your bar in the green.

Zesty and unique drinks, along with comfy seating, are merely not enough to win you the competition among competitors.

That’s where the baseline stands now.

But then, what actually makes a bar a brand?

Long story short, it’s the bar’s ability to cultivate a sense of community and belonging.

Local events are the key to unlocking this potential.

That’s where your bar can transform into a vibrant hub—where patrons can connect, have fun, and create lasting memories.

Let’s say you are a bar owner.

You’ll have to think from a strategic point of view.

Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s worth it in the long run — and it’ll get your branded bar booming with the loyalty hymns.

It would be best if you hosted events catered specifically to your target audience.

It should resonate with their local likes and dislikes.

This way, you can cultivate brand loyalty in their visitors and turn them straight into regulars.

A loyal customer base as such will become the lifeblood of your bar.

In the future, it’ll bring in consistent revenue and hone a positive societal reputation.

Now, without further ado, here are four ways to create brand loyalty through local events through your bar!


How to get brand loyalty through local events for your bar


1. Host game nights
2. Partner with local businesses
3. Embrace local flavors
4. Champion local causes


1. Host game nights


A well-organized game night is one of the most captivating things a bar can organize.

Such nights allow patrons and upper-class folk to socialize, unwind, and engage in friendly competition.

Many play classic board games and enjoy trivia nights.

But adding in the spice of some poker matches via online platforms or even on-site won’t harm, would it?

But why Poker? Poker is widely enjoyed all over the world.

In the US alone, around 60 Million people play poker.

In addition to that, there’s a 34% increase in new poker players every year as well.

This translates to the fact that many of the visitors in your bar might want to play Poker matches — or they might just start playing Poker because of your bar!

Your bar’s ambiance will skyrocket as you host game nights consisting of a plethora of various games, of course, including Poker.

Now comes the hard part: what should you keep in mind while hosting game nights?

Pay special attention to tournament structure.

You should design a tournament structure format with reasonable entry fees (as per a bar’s game night) and offer exciting prizes as well.

This way, your visitors will be excited and even more motivated to take part.

Next, in case you are going with Poker matches, here’s a tip: Hire a professional Poker dealer.

This will allow your patrons to have a playful and professional experience.

Designating a specific area of your bar for game nights like Poker is also a great idea.

Lastly, spending a few bucks to promote your bar’s Poker matches through social media, local community forums, and even poker league websites will help attract potential customers.

Cherry on the top: holds different game matches each night of the week, like Trivia nights, board games, and even video game tourneys.


2. Partner with local businesses


Your local community is a treasure box of potential partners.

The best advice in this regard is to collaborate with like-minded businesses and startups.

With them, you can co-host events that benefit both your causes mutually.

This way you can reach new customers and foster a sense of community presence too.

Breweries and wineries prove to be excellent partners.

You can host brewery or winery tasting events featuring their products alongside specially curated food pairings from your bar menu.

Partnering with Artisans and Crafters is also an awesome idea.

Make a collaborative effort to showcase their arts and crafts in your bars and offer a unique shopping experience.

Endeavoring with local music venues is another flawless idea.

This will allow you to promote your bar and its music with mocktails mixed with melodies and rhythms!


3. Embrace local flavors


People take pride in their local heritage and traditions.

Tap into this sentiment by hosting events that celebrate the unique aspects of your community.

You can show off your bar’s creative nature by practicing seasonal pallets.

Get creative with seasonal events.

Offer pumpkin carving contests in autumn, host a chili cook-off during winter, or organize a summer barbecue with local ingredients.

You can also host cultural festival themes.

For this, you can opt to partner with local cultural organizations to host events that celebrate the diverse tapestry of your community.

This could involve food festivals, dance performances, or even language exchange programs.


4. Champion local causes


Brands that take a share in social responsibility have a magnetic effect on consumers.

There are many benefits of partnering with local charities and non-profit organizations.

By hosting events with them, you’ll gain public attention, raise your voice for a just cause, and receive acceptance in your locality as well.

For example, connect with a local non-profit organization aimed at eco-friendly living. Host different events and game nights and raise awareness by making your bar more eco-friendly.

Your bar should organize charity and fundraising events, donating a portion of the proceeds to a worthy cause.

This strengthens your positive image within the community and creates a feel-good atmosphere for patrons.

While partnering with local non-profits that require volunteer help, you can provide various opportunities for volunteers, too, and spread your bar’s name.

Organize volunteer nights at your bar, allowing patrons to contribute to a cause they care about while enjoying a social setting.

By embracing local events, your bar becomes more than just a place to grab a drink. It transforms into a community hub, fostering connections, igniting passions, and fostering brand loyalty that goes beyond the bottom line. We don’t say it’s an easy task since such strategies may require a lot of planning and execution. However, it’s almost certain that service providers that stand out in the crowded business environment, gain a lot of benefits including loyal customers, a strong reputation, and more or less stable income.

About Josh Wood

Founder | Writer | Tech Enthusiast