How to Increase Sales by Improving the Ambiance at Your Restaurant?


How to Increase Sales by Improving the Ambiance at Your Restaurant?


It’s amazing how the ambiance at your restaurant can affect sales.

Small tweaks can be the difference between a $10k week and $15k week.

Here are some questions you need to ask today.

Do you understand your customer’s psychology well?

Do you think your customers visit and revisit your venue only to enjoy the delectable food that you serve?

We are humans.

Food is our desire, but there are other aspects, too.

Did you know that the ambiance at your restaurant also significantly influences customers’ minds?

And it holds the power to increase your sales by bringing more customers or even make you incur loss by turning them away!

Read on to explore and understand the various amazing ways to carve a perfect ambiance at your restaurant and pave the way to boost sales.


6 amazing ways to leverage ambiance at your restaurant to boost sales:


1. Ensure the perfect lighting
2. Create a theme each week
3. Plan your seating options smartly
4. Include some music aligned with the ambiance
5. Introduce a section of an art gallery
6. Always seek customer feedback


1. Ensure the perfect lighting


All said lighting is the most vital element that contributes to the ambiance at your restaurant.

Different kinds of lighting signify and signal different customer moods.

Brightly illuminated dining area has a striking impact, while a dim-lit section imparts its subtle overtones.

Besides, be aware that you can light your ambiance in various ways.

Focus the lighting on the ambiance if you wish to keep the entire area lit well.


Perfect lighting in restaurants

Use accent lighting on the specific decor items if you wish to create some visual impact.

That said, observe the tastes and preferences of your customers and choose the one that suits the most.

Ensure your guests feel “at home” whenever they visit your restaurant.

This would increase their visits to the venue, thereby boosting your sales.


2. Create a theme each week


Quite often, restaurant owners like you are tempted to believe that customers come to your venue only for the exotic food – maybe not always.

Another probable reason for someone to keep visiting your restaurant may be the “special” vibes your venue offers.

It will be a great idea to start having a theme every week and changing the ambiance at your restaurant accordingly.

It could be a “fairy tale castle” or a “Jurassic World” – the ideas are countless.


Ambiance at Your Restaurant and Themes

Additionally, you may entice your customers with a free coupon for the best-costumed visitor.

These vibrant ideas could spruce the mood while adding a different flavor to your brand.

Seek your staff’s support in carving the perfect yet unique ambiance.

They could even dress up in line with the theme rather than their usual uniforms.

When you stand out, your brand will certainly attract more traffic, and you will reap the benefits.


3. Plan your seating options smartly


Some restaurants are completely indoors, while others offer some seating space in the garden as well.

If you have a small lawn or a green area, do consider putting a few chairs and tables out there.

This could completely revive the ambiance at your restaurant.

Often, couples strolling alongside your restaurant or passers-by will drop in for a cup of coffee or a snack in the evening.


Seating Planning for Venues

They would more likely be attracted by your idea of outdoor dining.

Besides, if you have a relatively larger space, you could arrange dinners.

Get tables “reserved” from customers in advance for the special seating, and you make your share of the profit.

Planning seating arrangements tactfully could go a long way in transforming the ambiance at your restaurant, bringing in more customers, and boosting your revenue.


4. Include some music aligned with the ambiance


Yet another vital element that influences the ambiance at your restaurant is the right music.

Yes, agree or not, most people are music lovers if not connoisseurs.

Young and old, men and women – all dance to the tunes.

Leverage this idea to beautifully incorporate a soothing, light-hearted, yet joyful rhythm.

Background music – a soft melody – could simply make the guests feel like in heaven.


Live music in a restaurant


That said, you could choose music that is relevant to various aspects.

For example, your brand.

Or even the theme you planned for the week, as suggested earlier.

Yet another aspect could be even your customers’ preferences.

Again, you can play the soundtrack or organize an event by a locally renowned rock band or team of singers, depending on what suits your budget and ambiance.

Such gestures would make customers look forward to visiting your restaurant and ramp up your sales.


5. Introduce a section of an art gallery


Besides food, people appreciate art.

Several restaurants are utilizing this concept to attract more customers.

Having beautiful paintings, wall hangings, and other artwork could not just add to the ambiance at your restaurant but even bring in more guests.


Restaurant Art for Good Ambiance

Customers would visit again and again to enjoy the beauty of the intricate art that they admire.

Depending on your venue size and budget, you could even include a dedicated section for showcasing the artwork.

While this may seem overwhelming, however, you can always start small and go one step at a time.


6. Always seek customer feedback


Online reviews are a powerful tool used by people before visiting any restaurant or venue.

That said, encourage your customers to offer their feedback and suggestions to improve the ambiance at your restaurant.

 This has several benefits.

First, based on their opinion, you can surely modify or improvise and impart a more rewarding experience.


Feedback for restaurants


Second, the reviews posted by customers would serve as a gauge for others to evaluate and plan to visit your venue.

Finally, when you gather the suggestions/feedback, your existing customers feel valued and will often visit while spreading word-of-mouth about your demeanor.

These would directly or indirectly build your reputation while significantly boosting the revenue.


Wrapping up


Keep in mind that customers don’t visit your restaurant just for delicacies.

There are other factors to consider. One such critical element is the ambiance at your restaurant.

Follow the guidelines and ideas suggested in the article to offer a marvelous experience to your customers and, in turn, enhance your sales.

About Josh Wood

Founder | Writer | Tech Enthusiast