Bloc advertising offers the magic of reaching your ideal customer the right way. The relevance of the adverts are where the power of our advertising comes in. Bloc is used for checking in to venues and connecting with people before, so creating a Bloc ad increases the number of check-ins to your venue.
Create a Bloc ad that suits your goals in the form of video (live or animated), gif-like, still, and cinemagraph! To get started you will need to create a Newsfeed Ad.
Bect practices for images/videos:
– Choose an image or video that is directly relevant to your venue & one that differentiates you from your competitors.
– Use an image that is bright and eye-catching.
– Avoid images that have many small details or text and opt for something simple instead.
Best practices for ad copy:
Tie your text to your visual
Your copy and image should individually tell your story but also complement each other.
Speak to your audience
Decide on a person who characterizes your audience and write like you’re speaking to them.
Keep it short and sweet
Decide on the one thing you want people to know and say that.
Have one call-to-action
Use “Check-in” in your ad copy as your call-to-action as this is what you want your audience to do. Don’t use more than one call-to-action.
Mention price (where appropriate)
Price listings can motivate people to buy.
Include a timeframe
Using words and phrases that indicate time, like “now” or “this week,” can add a sense of urgency.