Design Tips for Restaurants – How to Design a Winning Restaurant


Design Tips for Restaurants - How to Design a Winning Restaurant



If you’re thinking of starting a new restaurant, then these design tips for restaurants will be a good place to start.

While most people love visiting a restaurant primarily for the delectable food, other latent factors come into play in their selection.

An awesome ambiance, great staff, well-designed layout, elegant seating, appropriate lighting, and perfect music – all contribute equally to carving the best memories for your devout customers.

If you are a restaurant business wondering if it’s possible to incorporate all these elements in the right doses, this page is just for you.

Read on to delve into some of the effective design tips for restaurants that let you craft marvelous dining experiences for your customers.


7 design tips for restaurants that will turn yours into a winning venue


There needs to be harmony among a myriad of factors to impart the best look and feel to your restaurant.

Here are some top points to watch out for.


1. Captivate your guests
2. Focus on the design and layout
3. Deploy the right set of furniture
4. Ensure perfect lighting
5. Keep your restaurant well-ventilated
6. Let music create its magic
7. Choose the right colors
8. Make your menu the showstopper
9. Embrace the power of technology


1. Captivate your guests


Quite often, restaurant owners focus more on the interiors and other decor, while ignoring the entrance area completely.

Remember, this is where your customers feel the trigger to make a decision, – you must ensure it’s truly welcoming.

There are countless ways to enthrall your customers, right at this point.

One of the design tips for restaurants in this regard is to leverage the interplay between your theme and the entranceway decor.


Restaurant entrance


Say, your theme of the day is Italian food, you could stick pictures of the leaning tower of Pisa, pizzas, or such.

Leverage other tools like music or sounds that go with Italian cuisine to build the desired effect.

Alternatively, festive occasions like Halloween or Christmas could also serve as a pivot in creating an eye-turning entrance to your venue.


2. Focus on the design and layout


With a chic layout and effective design, you can impart rewarding experiences to your guests.

Some of the design tips for restaurants concerning layout may be:


Assess the overall available space


Depending on your space availability, plan for utilities, vendor deliveries, interiors, and more.

Elaborate dining will require considerable space while takeaways and quick services need little.


Use the latest restaurant tech tools


Having a POS cuts down a lot spent on staff while making payments easier.

That said, you need card readers, POS terminals, or such which must be close to electrical outlets.


Design tips for restaurants


Plan restrooms, entranceways, and waiting areas wisely


Make sure doorways allow for easy passage of wheelchairs and plan proper placement of restrooms.


Provide adequate space


Enough space must be available in the kitchen for cooking, cleaning utensils, and other tasks.


Plan for kitchen layout for electrical circuitry


If you run a relatively large restaurant, most appliances in your kitchen like dishwashers, food processors, or such may need a different wiring separate from the dining area.

Other smaller appliances like toasters and mixers may have simpler requirements.

Accordingly, plan the layout for electricals and space in the kitchen.


3. Deploy the right set of furniture


Design tips for restaurants are incomplete without the mention of furniture.

Depending on the categories of customers, the occasions, the theme, and more choosing the right style of furniture is vital.

Fine dining and family parties may call for longer rectangular tables with elegant, light-cushioned wooden chairs across the length.


Furniture for restaurants


In contrast, casual gatherings or those requiring informal conversations will work better at round tables.

Whatever the case, ensure the furniture is comfortable, and sleek and goes with the decor.


4. Ensure perfect lighting


Yet another primary factor that significantly contributes to your restaurant’s ambiance is effective lighting.

As with other elements in the design, lights must be just in the right amounts.


Lighting for venues


A candle-lit or semi-dark private section in your venue may be appropriate for an intimate meeting while casual parties among teenagers or college-goers will work well in bright disco lights.

Chandeliers could add an element of elegance while upscaling the decor.


5. Keep your restaurant well-ventilated


Adequately ventilated dining area is imperative for any restaurant.

If your kitchen is too small and all the smoke enters the restaurant, your customers will feel uncomfortable.

Making sure that your venue is properly ventilated, and allowing your guests to enjoy a relaxing ambiance is a key design tip for restaurants.


6. Let music create its magic


An element in restaurant design that serves as a differentiator is the right choice of music.

Whether guests come to share some nostalgic memories of college days or it’s a family celebrating a member’s birthday, music greatly adds to the occasion.


design tips for restaurants - lighting


Soft music lets visitors enjoy refined food while jazz or rock music creates an intense feeling to eat more food quickly, letting customers taste more dishes.

While kids enjoy fun-filled songs, older guests may prefer classical or other soothing symphonies.


7. Choose the right colors


Colors and shades play a crucial role in driving more traffic to your restaurant.

While the importance of the right mix of hues is oft-neglected, a wrong choice could create an adverse impact.

For example, some colors may make your restaurant space appear too small.


Colours and design


Besides, a design tip for restaurants is to match the colors with the theme and the customers you are planning to entertain for the day.

Bars and pubs usually opt for vibrant shades while family get-togethers in restaurants are enjoyed well in fruity and pastel colors.

It’s best recommended to seek professional guidance in this arena to ensure the right choice of shades.


8. Make your menu the showstopper


Always remember, your unique selling proposition is your restaurant’s delicacies.

All said it’s food that makes or breaks the deal. So, as a restaurant business, focus on crafting the best menu that tantalizes your customers’ taste buds and makes sure they keep visiting your venue.

A great way to best cater to your guests is by knowing their preferences closely.


How to curate a restaurant menu


Request feedback and elicit suggestions to understand what works best.

Plan with your staff to come up with the right choice of dishes while staying within your budget.

Alternatively, provide options for dine-out and takeaway depending on the items on the menu.

Occasionally, seek professional guidance from gourmet chefs or connoisseurs to offer something truly special to your esteemed customers.


9. Embrace the power of technology

In today’s digital age, technology can significantly enhance your restaurant’s dining experience.

Consider incorporating features like QR code menus, online ordering, and interactive displays to engage your guests and streamline operations.

QR code menus offer a contactless and convenient way for customers to view your menu, reducing the need for physical menus and minimizing the risk of contamination.

Online ordering can simplify the ordering process for both customers and staff, allowing for easier management of orders and reducing wait times.

Restaurant Technology QR Codes

Interactive displays can be used to showcase your restaurant’s offerings, provide entertainment, and even offer educational content about your food or drink.

Additionally, loyalty programs powered by technology can reward repeat customers and encourage them to return.

You can also use social media to connect with your audience, share updates about your restaurant, and gather valuable feedback.

By embracing technology, you can create a more modern, efficient, and enjoyable dining experience for your guests.

Wrapping up


Your restaurant could turn into an oft-visited venue by your customers if it stands out.

While your “best item on the menu” overrides everything else, don’t neglect other components.

Follow the design tips for restaurants outlined in the blog to create the most rewarding experiences for your guests and transform yours into a winning restaurant.

About Josh Wood

Founder | Writer | Tech Enthusiast