Bloc advertising increases the number of check-ins to venues on Bloc.
If a venue signs up and advertises with us there are 3 ad placements within Bloc where the venue increases it’s exposure:
1. A newsfeed ad that gets pushed to every Bloc user within a 10 mile radius of the venue.
2. A star on our interactive map instead of the Bloc logo which makes the venue stand out from the competition.
3. The venue gets a premium listing at the top when a user searches for venues on a specific date.
Venues that advertise with us get over 300% more check-ins.
Bloc advertising works on a pay-per-result basis so you only pay £2 (inc. VAT) if a user checks in and attends the venue being advertised. Impressions and clicks to your website are unlimited.
You can try it for free with £150 worth of credit. This is 75 free customers! All you need to do is sign-up and create your newsfeed ad. The star on the map and premium listing is created automatically as soon as the newsfeed ad is created.